If you are a professional or just starting your athletic journey, I can help you fine tune nutritional needs for performance. Nutrition guidance is personalized for each athlete.
Services include but are not limited to:
Custom Meal Plan
Menu Development
Weight Management for Performance
Pre/During/Post Training Nutrition
Race Nutrition
Sweat Loss Testing
Ergogenic Aid Application
Nutrition Coaching can be integrated into athletes TRAININGPEAKS account. Ask for details if interested.
training peaks NUTRITION COACH
If you use TRAININGPEAKS, connect me to your account for weekly guidance based on training load, goals and races.
Services included but not limited to:
Specific training nutrition guidance
Nutritional adjustments based on training load
Weekly goals
Weekly comments on specific training based on execution of training
Coach collaboration
Learn how to have a healthy relationship with food and improve overall health and wellness. Team approach with other healthcare professionals is included.
Services included but are not limited to:
Custom Meal Plan
Behavior Change Guidance
Exposure Work
Looking to create a healthy lifestyle change? We will dive into goals, roadblocks and alternative options when challenges arise. My approach is focused on long term, life style changes that will continue to improve your health and wellness long term.
Services included but not limited to:
Custom Meal Plan
Menu Development
Disease Related Nutrition Education